Location Matters – The Importance of Location Intelligence

July 17, 2018 | Buying & Selling

The connectivity needs of today’s enterprises are constantly evolving. Organizations are increasingly moving workloads and communications online and into the cloud, in addition to connecting various mobile and IoT devices to their networks. This digitalization means enterprises require greater amounts of bandwidth and connectivity across locations.

The growing need for connectivity gives network providers an opportunity to expand their network reach to more locations, earning them more revenue in the process. However, as enterprises seek to minimize complexity and receive connectivity from one provider across multiple properties, network providers must be willing to leverage on-net, near-net, and even off-net connectivity to provide complete solutions across a wide geographic area.

What Is Location Intelligence?

Location intelligence is the data and information needed for network providers to expand routes and terminate fiber connectivity into new buildings. Examples of location intelligence include information on a provider’s own on-net and near-net assets, information on specific buildings and their tenants, competitive intelligence on other providers terminated into the building or within the vicinity, and potential partner networks that can be leveraged based on location.

Location intelligence provides network providers with the context needed to expand reach and serviceability with visual representations of network routes and connected buildings. This information not only prepares network providers who work with enterprise clients but helps ensure participation in wholesale and channel markets as well.

Though the analysis and use of location intelligence enable network providers to extend their reach while offering maximum value to users, many do not leverage this data to its full extent. Rather, they rely on manually updated KMZ files or spreadsheets. The problem with this is that it is easy for these to become outdated. Furthermore, they do not typically include competitive data, building categorizations, or a visual component.

The Different Types of Location Intelligence

There are several types of location intelligence that network operators should consult when expanding their networks. When aggregated, this data gives providers a clear view of the locations where connectivity will present the most value.

Location intelligence helps provide visibility and simplified management of the network sales process. This visibility manifests in three key ways: customer locations, competitor locations, and the provider’s own locations.

  • Customer Locations

    When responding to an RFP, building intelligence shows network sales teams where the prospective organization is and their exact network needs. It also gives providers an idea of the surrounding market through building categorization.

  • Owned Locations

    Location intelligence through updated building lists and near-net analysis shows providers the most up-to-date information on their own on-net and near-net assets to determine their existing capabilities in the area.

  • Competitor Locations

    Finally, network operators must be aware of the competitive landscape that exists within the specific building, as well as the broader near-net market. Effective location intelligence will provide operators with insight into any service provider, LEC, or cable company operating along their on-net and near-net routes.

Having this information enables networks operators to make strategic, informed decisions regarding how to best serve enterprise clients in a way that presents value to the network.

Leverage Partner Networks with Location Intelligence

These aforementioned uses of location intelligence are based on situations in which the network provider has on-net or near-net capabilities for the client. However, to provide a comprehensive solution to enterprise clients, providers may need to leverage partner networks in off-net locations.

To effectively track this information, operators require up-to-date, building lists for partners that allow them to visualize and manage these extended networks in real-time. This helps providers find potential partners and areas to extend the network based on location.

Location Intelligence in the Connected World

The Connected World platform drives growth and serviceability by providing location intelligence in a visual, centralized way. While location-based insight is invaluable to the network planning and sales process, it is underutilized because operators do not have the resources to research, aggregate, and update this data on a regular basis. The Connected World automates this process, giving providers the most accurate location intelligence right when it is needed.

With automated location intelligence, network providers are able to efficiently plan and monetize their fiber assets based on user, competitor, and partner data to ensure maximum value.

Request a demo to learn how The Connected World uses location intelligence for strategic network planning and much more.

Author: MajorTom345Dev

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